Saturday, April 3, 2021
Compensation plan
We have the fairest and most genre compensation plan ever created in the history of the entire Network Marketing industry.
Strengths of the compensation plan:
1. Free membership.
2. No annuity payment
3. Monthly qualification with $ 100 dollars of consumption.
4. One point is equal to one dollar.
5. Discount of 50% of the cost of the products, after your monthly qualification.
6. Fair prices.
Compensation plan:
The compensation plan has 6 very generous bonuses, which, in combination, can give you very important constant income.
There are 2 commission periods per month:
Q1: from the 3rd to the 17th of each month.
Q2: from the 18th to the 2nd of each month.
1.Sponsorship Bonus
2. Royalties or Residuals
3. Surplus Bonus
4. Trading Bonus (exclusive for Diamonds)
5. Leadership Bonus (exclusive for Diamonds)
6. Infinite Bonus (exclusive for Platinum Diamonds)
History of the company
History of the company
The story begins more than 30 years ago , with the creation of the Herbolaris International laboratory , located in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, producing world-class nutritional supplements, and this is supported by certifications and sanitary registries in several countries around the world. . This laboratory began operations, making products and nutritional supplements for several multilevel companies, until 2006 when it created its own Network Marketing company, called NBN Living. With NBN Living, it began to operate, only in Mexico, but in 2010, it began its international expansion with the opening of the United States of America market, in 2019 it began operations in Latin America and in 2020 in the market European. Since its creation in 2006, it has experienced constant growth, but in 2018 it began its great explosive growth, thanks to the creation of its flagship product called Genoxidil.
What makes NBN Living different from other companies in the Network Marketing industry?
Experience: More than 14 years, bringing physical and financial health to hundreds and thousands of people in different parts of the world.
Momentum: Justo is experiencing its highest growth globally, due to all the benefits and strengths that the company offers.
Competitive prices: One of the company's philosophies is to offer products of the highest possible quality, but at a fair and balanced price for the parties.
Strong products: From the beginning of the creation of this company, it was to offer certified products, supported and above all with world quality, and this has managed to produce products that are giving surprising results in the health of our customers.
Compensation Plan: Hands down the fairest and most generous commission plan ever created in the entire history of the network marketing industry.
All this and more, makes NBN Living an opportunity that we cannot miss, as long as we are in search of better physical and financial health, and thus achieve YOUR BEST WAY OF LIVING.
Technology every day becomes more fundamental in many aspects of life, and if we talk about health, it is essential. There are continually innovations and every year progress projections are made in this sector. Technology in medicine has made many processes simpler and more positive results obtained. Next, we will see some benefits of technological advances in the area of health.
Technology in medicine saves lives, improves our health and in many cases contributes to sustainable health, there are a series of advantages and benefits that come with it and it is necessary to take advantage of it, for example, medical technology has reduced hospital stay by a average of about 15%.
Another benefit of technology in medicine, and perhaps one of the most relevant, is that thanks to technological advances, large and important studies have been carried out that have allowed scientists and scholars to investigate and analyze in more depth about the different diseases that they exist today.
Premature aging
Maintaining cellular health involves preserving the functionality of cellular structures (specifically, mitochondria). With all structures working at their best, the cell can perform its many jobs efficiently and effectively. Mitochondria are key structures within your cells that, when damaged, can compromise the overall function of the cell.
There are two types of aging: biological aging and chronological aging. Chronological aging refers to how old you are in years and biological aging refers to the age of your body's systems. When it comes to staying young, it has little to do with your chronological age and everything to do with your biological age.
The way you measure biological age?
When looking at the health of your cells, it is represented by the presence of cell damage and the functionality of certain cell structures. The side effects of aging (gray hair, memory loss, etc.) are external indicators that cell damage is accumulating and cell function is declining.
The powerful mitochondrion
Nrf1 protein
What is Nrf1 protein?
Nrf2 Protein
What is Nrf2 Protein?
Meet GenOxidil
Meet GenOxidil
GenOxidil, is a 100% organic product, integrates in its design and preparation, the most recent advances in biotechnology, to provide our body with key elements that activate 5 vital systems, detoxification system, immune system, antioxidant system, anti system -Aging and cellular nutrition system, even going as far as the genetic regulation of cellular functioning.
GenOxidil activates the Nrf1 and Nrf2 proteins, which present in more than 2000 genes, enabling our cells to increase energy levels and massively eliminate the dreaded free radicals, which are the cause of oxidative stress that damages our body so much. The Nrf1 protein activates the multiplication of mitochondria in our body, which translates into a notable increase in cellular energy, while the Nrf2 protein activates the enzymes glutathione, catalase and dismutase super oxides, which in addition to eliminating radicals Free, they strengthen the immune system and enable it to stop the advance of malignant cells, viruses and invading pathogens. It significantly strengthens our inner protection shield.
GenOxidil also activates our body's natural auto-renewal and repair systems, increasing the production of adult stem cells from the bone marrow, causing the lengthening and protection of telomeres, generating greater cell duplication and longevity, which rejuvenates and activates tissues. and organs, such as the pancreas, liver, kidneys, prostate, etc.
The components of GenOxidil contribute to the detoxification of the blood, the digestive system and the glandular system, improve the elasticity of the veins and arteries, optimize circulation and oxygenation and facilitate the regulation of blood pressure. Additionally, GenOxidil contains powerful phytonutrients, which act on cells, thanks to nanotechnology, a single tablet integrates more than 50 organic actives, which travel directly to the cells, since its microscopic composition allows 99% absorption, before reach the stomach. These are some phytonutrients, peptide polysaccharides, spirulina algae, AFA algae, noni, mangosteen, goji, acai, green tea, rosemary, soursop, chlorophyll, boldo, African plum, grape seed, rhodiola, coral calcium, arginine and many others. natural components,
GenOxidil is the result of more than 30 years of Herbolaris International laboratory experience, certified year after year as organic and pharmaceutical grade, by more than 10 international institutions in America, Europe and Asia. The elaboration of GenOxidil only includes elements with organic certificate of origin, imported from 22 countries and combined in 5 manufacturing processes, which for 36 hours incorporate the energy harmonization of all the components, a technique known as quantum energy. GenOxidil is so powerful that only one tablet is taken per day. Due to its extraordinary results, GenOxidil has conquered the preference of thousands of consumers and hundreds of health professionals in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and recently in the European Union. GenOxidil is an absolutely organic product and is distributed internationally by the independent distributors of the company NBN Living, establishing a new era in biotechnology for health. Now you know, take GenOxidil and give your body the strength that the most complete tablet on the planet generates.