Saturday, April 3, 2021

History of the company


History of the company

The story begins more than 30 years ago , with the creation of the Herbolaris International laboratory , located in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, producing world-class nutritional supplements, and this is supported by certifications and sanitary registries in several countries around the world. . This laboratory began operations, making products and nutritional supplements for several multilevel companies, until 2006 when it created its own Network Marketing company, called NBN LivingWith NBN Living, it began to operate, only in Mexico, but in 2010, it began its international expansion with the opening of the United States of America market, in 2019 it began operations in Latin America and in 2020 in the market European. Since its creation in 2006, it has experienced constant growth, but in 2018 it began its great explosive growth, thanks to the creation of its flagship product called Genoxidil.

What makes NBN Living different from other companies in the Network Marketing industry?

Experience: More than 14 years, bringing physical and financial health to hundreds and thousands of people in different parts of the world.

Momentum: Justo is experiencing its highest growth globally, due to all the benefits and strengths that the company offers.

Competitive prices: One of the company's philosophies is to offer products of the highest possible quality, but at a fair and balanced price for the parties.

Strong products: From the beginning of the creation of this company, it was to offer certified products, supported and above all with world quality, and this has managed to produce products that are giving surprising results in the health of our customers.

Compensation Plan: Hands down the fairest and most generous commission plan ever created in the entire history of the network marketing industry.

All this and more, makes NBN Living an opportunity that we cannot miss, as long as we are in search of better physical and financial health, and thus achieve YOUR BEST WAY OF LIVING.

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