Saturday, April 3, 2021

Compensation plan


We have the fairest and most genre compensation plan ever created in the history of the entire Network Marketing industry.

Strengths of the compensation plan:

1. Free membership.

2. No annuity payment

3. Monthly qualification with $ 100 dollars of consumption.

4. One point is equal to one dollar.

5. Discount of 50% of the cost of the products, after your monthly qualification.

6. Fair prices.

Compensation plan:

The compensation plan has 6 very generous bonuses, which, in combination, can give you very important constant income.

There are 2 commission periods per month:

Q1: from the 3rd to the 17th of each month.

Q2: from the 18th to the 2nd of each month.


1.Sponsorship Bonus

50% of all your Direct Affiliates (personal guests), on the score generated in their first purchase (registration or Activation).

This bonus is charged only once.

All Ranks charge the same sponsorship bonus percentage (50%) on the score generated by their Direct Affiliates.

New Affiliate. In the start-up period you will have a 30% discount on the public price on all your Purchases and you will also have special discounts on Genoxidil (you have a maximum of 2 fortnights to activate). The 50% discount can be obtained from the next fortnight after its Activation, except in Genoxidil which already has special discounts.

In this bond, there is no dynamic compaction.

2. Royalties or Residuals

Up to 50% in 5 natural levels per structure of each front, from the 2nd fortnight, after the first purchase (registration or Activation), on the score generated in your purchases, by your entire organization, 5 levels deep .

Your earnings will be paid according to your rank achieved in that commission period.

If you do not have a qualified direct, you do not charge commissions.

This bond DOES have dynamic compression.

3. Surplus Bonus

Up to 25% in 5 natural levels per structure of each front, from the 2nd fortnight, after the first purchase (registration or Activation), on the score generated in your Excess Purchases (after your monthly qualification) for all your organization, 5 levels deep.

Your earnings will be paid according to your rank achieved in that commission period.

If you do not have a qualified direct, you do not charge commissions.

This bond DOES have dynamic compression.

4. Trading Bonus (exclusive for Diamonds)

Up to 25% in 5 natural levels per structure of each front, from the 2nd fortnight, after the first purchase (registration or Activation), on the money paid (not points) in your Purchases and Surpluses, throughout your organization , 5 levels deep.

Your earnings will be according to your rank reached in that commission period.

If you do not have a qualified direct, you do not charge commissions.

This bond DOES have dynamic compression.

5. Leadership Bonus (exclusive for Diamonds)

Up to 10% in 5 natural levels per structure of each front, on the money paid (not points) of the first purchase (registration or Activation) generated by your New Direct and Indirect Affiliates at 5 levels deep.

This bonus is charged only once.

In this bond if there is dynamic compression.

6. Infinite Bonus (exclusive for Platinum Diamonds)

2% is distributed to Infinity on the Company's Global Sales (from the 6th level of the world structure), in proportion to your participation, with the group volume at 5 natural levels of your entire organization, considering the score on Activations (first purchase), Repurchases and Surpluses. This Bonus is paid every fortnight in full.

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